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The International English Proficiency Exam (EAPE) is a test developed in the United States with the aim of providing a more accessible and user-friendly assessment for students and professionals who need to certify their level of English according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Here are the key aspects of the EAPE:

Focus and Objectives

  1. Accessibility: The EAPE is designed to be more economically accessible, with a lower cost compared to other internationally recognized English exams, such as TOEFL or IELTS.

  2. User-Friendliness: The exam format aims to be more user-friendly and less stressful for candidates, with a structure that facilitates a more comfortable assessment experience.

  3. Adaptability: The EAPE adapts to the needs of different types of candidates, whether they are students or professionals, allowing for flexible evaluation that can be adjusted to various contexts and specific requirements.


Exam Structure

The EAPE assesses English language competencies according to the CEFR levels, ranging from A1 (basic level) to C2 (mastery level). The exam is structured into several sections that cover the four main skills:

  • Listening: Assessment of the ability to understand spoken English in various situations and contexts.

  • Reading: Measurement of the ability to comprehend written texts, including articles, reports, and other types of writings.

  • Writing: Evaluation of the ability to write texts in English coherently and correctly, covering different types of writing, such as essays, reports, and letters.

  • Speaking: Measurement of the ability to verbally communicate in English, with emphasis on fluency, pronunciation, and the ability to maintain conversations on a variety of topics.

Advantages of EAPE

  • Reduced Cost: Being more economical, the EAPE is an attractive option for those with budget constraints.

  • User-Friendly Format: Designed to reduce the stress and anxiety associated with traditional English exams.

  • International Recognition: Although relatively new, the EAPE is gaining recognition in various educational institutions and professional organizations around the world.

Certification and Use

The results of the EAPE provide an official certification of the candidate's level of English according to the CEFR, which is widely recognized in academic and professional contexts. This allows candidates to demonstrate their English proficiency for purposes of study, work, and migration.


In summary, the EAPE is a viable and advantageous alternative for those seeking to certify their level of English in an economical and user-friendly format, aligned with the international standards of the CEFR.

Technical parameters

Understanding the fundamentals of EAPE exam and its evaluation parameters

General description

EAPE means: “English Academic Proficiency Exam”, it has its origin in the United States of America, thanks to the interest of a work team in the need for an English Academic Proficiency Exam, which includes a friendly environment for the applicant. , is safe, reliable and representative in terms of its process and certification and is also affordable for a wide range of applicants.
The target market for the EAPE exam includes work, academic and personal areas. In the workplace, EAPE is used to verify the level of English language proficiency of an applicant, who must demonstrate this requirement to apply for a job position. In the academic field, EAPE denotes the academic proficiency of the language based on the Common European Framework at different levels: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2. This requirement is mostly required to pass the English subject in undergraduate and graduate courses, exemption from it, application for academic exchange programs, or admission to an educational institution. In the personal or private sphere, EAPE is used to demonstrate language skills and present this document for personal procedures, such as cultural exchange programs, obtaining visas, among others.

The design of this examination was carried out with the main interest of being able to evaluate the level of English language skills in a wide range of prospects by rating their skills in: GRAMMAR, LISTENING, READING, WRITING AND SPEAKING. Implicitly within these sections are the evaluation of vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, pronunciation and other secondary skills. -

EAPE was developed by educators specialized in the subject in the USA. The experience accumulated over decades of learning and experience prepared them for the current challenges of the industry. EAPE was developed to help both institutions and students.



Sentence structure: The ability to construct grammatically correct sentences, following the rules of word placement and proper syntactic structure of the target language.


Use of clauses and connectors: The ability to use clauses, phrases and connectors to combine and join ideas in a coherent and grammatically correct way.


Grammatical agreement: The ability to maintain grammatical agreement between different elements of the sentence, such as gender, number, and person.


Use of modes and voice: The ability to use verbal modes, active and passive voice appropriately according to the context.


Use of complex structures: The ability to use more complex grammatical structures, such as the passive voice, reported speech, conditional sentences, and comparative and superlative structures.



Listening Comprehension: The ability to understand and extract specific information from an audio recording or conversation in real time.


Vocabulary recognition: The ability to identify and understand words and phrases within a given context.


Understanding and following instructions: The ability to understand and follow instructions given orally.



Text Comprehension: The ability to understand and extract information from written texts.


Identification of the parts of an academic text: The ability to identify the topic and controlling ideas within a sentence or paragraph.


Inference and deduction: The ability to understand implicit information and make inferences based on the content of the text.


Vocabulary: The ability to recognize and understand words and phrases in context.





Coherence and cohesion: The ability to organize ideas logically to connect them fluidly.


Grammar: The correct use of grammar and sentence construction in the target language (English).


Vocabulary: The knowledge and appropriate use of vocabulary in phrases and sentences of the written language.



Grammar: The knowledge and appropriate use of the grammatical structures of spoken language.


Fluency: The ability to express oneself fluently and effortlessly, using an appropriate speaking speed.


Pronunciation: The ability to clearly articulate sounds and words in the target language (English).


Vocabulary: The knowledge and appropriate use of vocabulary in

Lower limit
Upper limit
Level (CERF)

Security and reliability

All of our licensed professionals have been carefully selected and rigorously trained, ensuring that you receive the best experience. When you choose to work with us, know that you are consistently choosing quality and excellence. Contact us to learn more.

1. Speaking Assessment by an Examiner


The speaking section of the exam is administered live by a trained examiner.

  • Real-time interaction allows the examiner to assess the student's pronunciation, fluency, coherence, and responsiveness.
  • The examiner can ask additional questions or request clarifications for a more accurate assessment.

Security Measures:

  • The examiner verifies the student’s identity before starting the test.

  • The session wil be recorded for later review to ensure quality and fairness of the assessment.

2. Platform that Does Not Allow Tab or Window Switching


  • The exam platform is designed to detect and prevent tab or window switching during the test.

  • This feature ensures that students cannot look up answers online or consult external materials.

Security Measures:

  • Monitoring technologies are used to automatically alert if a student attempts to switch windows or tabs.

  • Upon detection, the platform may issue a warning to the student or even terminate the exam.

3. Restriction of Command Use


  • The exam platform disables the use of keyboard commands that could allow the student to perform unauthorized actions, such as copying and pasting information.

  • This prevents students from using shortcuts to look up answers or manipulate the exam environment.

Security Measures:

  • Command deactivation includes key combinations like Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, Alt+Tab, among others.

  • The platform can also block the use of function keys (F1, F2, etc.) that might interfere with exam integrity.

4. Supervision by a Proctor


  • A proctor observes the student throughout the exam process to detect any suspicious behavior.

  • Supervision can be done live via videoconference or through recordings that are reviewed later.

Security Measures:

  • The proctor verifies the student's identity before the exam starts.

  • The student’s environment is monitored to ensure there are no unauthorized reference materials or other people present.

  • The proctor can request the student to show their surroundings with the camera to ensure compliance with established rules.

5. Prior Verification of the Exam Location


  • Before the exam date, the location where the student will take the exam is verified to ensure it meets technical and security requirements.

  • This verification includes checking the equipment, internet connectivity, and the student's physical environment.

Security Measures:

  • A technical test is conducted to ensure the student’s equipment (computer, camera, microphone) works correctly.

  • The student must provide a panoramic view of the exam area to confirm it is a controlled environment, free of visible reference materials.

  • A test connection is established with the exam system to ensure there will be no technical issues during the actual test.

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